1970 to 1979


1970 to 1973



梅:学院公布了15个月的新管理结构 long Self-study. It includes an Academic Assembly and a Community Senate in an innovative 在这种结构中,学生、教师和管理人员各占一个席位 legislative bodies. This mixing of students in the governing bodies of the College reflected the spirit of student involvement of the 1960s and 1970s.

学院还开设了其他项目,作为探索未开发市场的一部分 of students. The new programs include Summer School Without Walls; College Expectations, a summer program for college-bound high school students; Coach Terry Bocian's athletic summer camps; and Bruce Early's summer music camps.

课程中增加了新的专业,包括传播学、地理学和宗教学 Studies.

Some old programs are phased out. The theater program in the Carriage House has to be discontinued because of fire marshal concerns about the building. The Aquinas Institute for Religious Education (AIRS) program is discontinued.

1969年至1970年,十大赌博登录官网进行了一次完整的自学,重新审视学院 top to bottom. 这是一项耗时15个月的合作,涉及管理人员, faculty, staff and students.

左图:创新的返场计划使成熟女性能够完成 their college degrees. With flexible and unusual class hours, Encore responded to 那些从未上过大学或已经离开家庭的妇女的特殊需要 他们在五六十年代组建家庭时学历不全. In the 为女性提供教育机会的先锋,十大赌博登录官网的返场曲 program led to many calls of "Yay, Mom!" on graduation day and launched women into careers.


Eastown: The main movers of the Eastown project. In back row, Dr. Norbert Hruby, president of Aquinas College; Sr. James Rau, O.P. Front, from left, Aquinas faculty Linda Easley, Thomas Edison, and Michael Williams.

东城社区协会成立于1973年,为前三个社区提供资金 years of its existence by a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, obtained by the College. Aquinas professors Tom Edison, Linda Easley and Michael Williams, and Sr. James Rau produce "Eastown!," a nationally distributed book which is a case-study 像十大赌博登录官网这样的非营利机构如何保护社区 which it is situated.

Sr. Aquinas Weber O.P. confers with Jim Geib, manager of the Hammer and Cortenhof Hardware Store in Eastown. The first Eastown Street Fair in 1973 becomes a neighborhood tradition. Wealthy Street is closed down and area businesses sponsor concerts and 庆祝这个地区的食品摊位最终自称为“大急流城最时髦的地方” neighborhood."


Ms. Betty Jennings tries her hand at the harp during
one of the early Ireland program semesters.

动荡的20世纪70年代早期改变了一切,从学术课程到着装风格 and hair.

Semester-in-Ireland program 是由格特鲁德·霍根首先在爱尔兰的刘易斯敦开始的,但随后又移动了 year to Tully Cross where it finds its permanent home. A cultural immersion trip for 不需要外语能力的学生,在爱尔兰的学期 program becomes one of the college's most enduring programs.

Co-educational residence halls 成为时代变化的标志,旧的代替父母规则逐渐消失 past. Students adjust to the new living arrangements.


管理人员,教师和学生代表参加一个全学院 retreat at Harbor Springs, Michigan. The goal of the Harbor Springs retreat was to continue the work of the institutional self-study of the late 1960s.

1974 to 1976


Controversy: Commencement speaker Shirley Chisholm appears amidst much controversy. Chisolm, U.S. 来自纽约市贝德福德-史岱文森地区的国会女议员 the Watergate hearings, had been a supporter of Roe v. Wade, and this support caused an outcry, including death threats. She delivered her Commencement address under tight security.

To hear more about the controversy, click here. 这段音频剪辑来自“从历史上讲”,十大赌博正规平台在线的口述历史.

国外旅行:十大赌博登录官网学生(左起)爱丽丝·波皮尔,蒂姆·韦斯利,珍妮特·罗巴赫 and others join Sr. Thomasine Bugala O.P. and a Zen Buddhist monk for a tea ceremony in Kyoto, Japan.

伯纳黛特·罗巴赫、玛丽·乔·穆恩奇、米歇尔·罗巴赫、汤姆·恩杰布雷森(左起)和 Sr. Thomasine Bugala O.P. have tea with a Buddhist monk in Kyoto, Japan, 1974. For many years, Sr. 托马斯帮助十大赌博正规平台在线的毕业生获得英语教学职位 in Japan.

Renowned theologian Bernard Lonergan S. J. speaks during the 1974 celebration of St. Thomas Aquinas' 700th anniversary. 为期一年的庆祝活动中穿插着纪念著名的中世纪的节目 Catholic theologian after whom the school was named.

Rev. Mark Heath O.P. preached at the opening Mass of the festivities celebrating the 700th anniversary of the death of Thomas Aquinas, January 27.

A new organization structure: C. 亚瑟·伍德豪斯,十大赌博正规平台在线董事会的第一位非专业成员. 1974年,董事会在法律上独立于大急流城多米尼加人 for the first time.

Career focused education: A 1970s business student experiences work in the real world. Note the state of the art computer equipment.

学生阿尔·杜克(Al Duke)在工作释放项目中担任助理实习 肯特县惩教所,1975年,许多创新项目之一 by the college in the wake of the Self-Study.

Joe McCormick takes water samples as part of his field experience in 1975. New programs in the 1970's responded to market needs and focused on job preparation.

左图:1975-76赛季,十大赌博正规平台在线的“Tommies”变成了“Saints”。 after African-American athletes were taunted on the road for being "Toms." In those 在充满政治色彩的时代,这个名字有了负面的含义,而这个绰号 “圣徒”一词是由一名学生进行的民意调查选出来的,从那以后就一直在使用.


荣休学院:荣休学院于1975年底以一个探索性项目开始 of seminars aimed at seniors led by professor Ken Marin. It soon becomes clear that 老年人不希望计划只关注退休问题,而是希望有一个广泛的 interests in the arts, politics and other academic topics. The Emeritus program becomes 美国第一个专注于服务儿童的教育项目之一 educational needs and interests of the over-fifty population.

1977 to 1979


The Master of Management program is accredited. The success of the Career Action Program led the college to explore 提供商学研究生学位,但不会专注于mba式的数字 crunching. Keeping with the college's humanistic tradition, the Master of Management 学位为学生提供了通过学习来推进职业发展所需的技能 更好地管理员工,做好战略规划,有效地激励员工. 小班,规模,方便的课程时间,灵活的调度-标志 Aquinas at the time--made the program a success from the start.

实习:20世纪70年代,职业前的实习机会增多了 as part of a student's preparation for careers. Here a student intern works in a laboratory

学生马克·约翰亲身体验了实地研究,从附近的一个农场采集样本 river.


Coach Terry Bocian 成为体育主管,女子教练帕蒂·蒂巴尔迪带领球队走向胜利 after victory in the 1970's and 1980's.

After a fire, the former stable is renovated as the Pastoral Center. It's name is 1989年改为布可夫斯基教牧中心,以纪念最近去世的前任 president who served the college for over thirty years.

(左图)啤酒帐篷成为了联欢周末的一个常规特色 1978.

美国第一个为老年人推广的项目之一,荣誉学院 becomes a leader in life-long education. Emeritus College predates the Elderhostel 运动至少一年,并为55岁及55岁的人提供丰富生活的课程 older.

Women's basketball is introduced in 1978. Under coach and women's athletic director Patti Tibaldi, Aquinas becomes a powerhouse team in the 1980's. Women's sports blossom 20世纪70年代,增加了垒球(1977年)、排球(1979年)、女子田径赛 and field (1979-80).

Sr. Jean Paul Tilmann, O.P., and Sr. Aquinas Weber O.P. stand at the intersection of Lake Drive and Wealthy Street, the hub of the Eastown district.

The first Aquinas College Jazz Festival is held in 1978, organized by Dr. Bruce Early. 一年一度的爵士音乐节吸引了来自中西部各地的大学爵士乐队 在十大赌博正规平台在线有三十年的固定时间,给学生音乐家们机会 learn from and play with outstanding professional jazz artists.

十大赌博正规平台在线一年一度的爵士音乐节使学院成为许多人的爵士乐代名词 in West Michigan.

1979年10月,学生们穿着优雅的衣服拔河庆祝啤酒节 Alpine hats. For many years, Gala Weekend had an Oktoberfest theme.

在新聘人员的带领下,学院开始进入计算机时代 faculty member Tom Dooley and veterans Lee Jacokes and Charles Frydrych. Since the 个人电脑的时代才刚刚开始,早期的努力是非常即兴的, with students and faculty learning about the new machines simultaneously.